Podcast: An organic methanator to revolutionise the world of renewable energy

Over the decades, our society has taken a huge jump forward in terms of technological breakthroughs. These have indeed made our lives easier, but at a very high cost. In many metropolises, the pollution rate reaches alarming levels, despite the various renewable and e-green energy sources.

And it is precisely from this premise that the project for the new episode of the ‘EU with YOU’ podcast started. The project aims to revolutionise the world of renewable energy through a biological methanator, i.e. a reactor that is able to store renewable energy. The methanator uses carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce energy. How?

Inside the reactor, CO2 and hydrogen are converted into gas (methane) through a process using electricity. In fact, methane, unlike renewable energy sources, can be stored inside batteries and used in the future. This is the main difference with the rest of the e-green projects: Co2 batteries, on the other hand, can utilise both industrial and natural carbon dioxide, thus allowing for greater availability.

The construction of the ‘biological methanator’ saw the coming together of several companies that collaborated to realise the project. The startup Energy Dome, born in 2020 in Milan, specialised in renewable energy and creator of the project. Res Italia (Reliable Environmental Solutions), a Ravenna-based company specialising in the creation of specific systems for renewable energy production. RES Italia worked side by side with Agenzia Sardegna Ricerche, based in Cagliari, where the methanator is located.

Find out more about this green project by listening to the “EU with YOU” podcast: https://podcast.areanews24.it/podcast/areanews-eufactor.htm

“EU with YOU” is the Eu Factor Next podcast realised by Raduni, the Association of Italian University Radio Operators, to tell citizens at first hand how European funding is spent. In each episode the podcast will tell the story of a project funded by the European Union and its Cohesion Policy on the national territory.