for a cohesive, sustainable and fair Europe

A project co-funded by the European Commission to support the communication and dissemination of Cohesion Policy, as the main investment policy of the European Union, aimed at reducing imbalances between member states and building a united, innovative and inclusive Europe.

One year after the birth of EU Factor, the activity of communicating and disseminating the EU Cohesion Policy will continue in 2024 through EU FACTOR NEXT.

EU FACTOR NEXT, led by Innovacoop and Legacoop Emilia-Romagna, is a project funded by DG REGIO, the Commission responsible for EU policy on regions and cities, and it is enriched with new partners and new and original communication ideas through a journey to discover the impact of Cohesion Policy in different regions of the European continent.

The objectives of EU FACTOR NEXT:

  • increase citizens knowledge and awareness of EU Cohesion Policy and its guidelines,
  • actively involve companies and especially the younger generations, as the real protagonists of change,
  • disseminate good practices for building a more cohesive, more digital and more ethical Europe.

The journey of EU FACTOR NEXT starts from the story of the excellence of the Emilia-Romagna Region, certainly best practice in the use of cohesion funds, but continues in the other Italian regions, reaching different EU countries.

In fact, EU FACTOR NEXT involves young international journalists, including finalists of the Megalizzi-Niedzielski Award, from France, Spain, Croatia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Malta, who will guide users on a tour through social networks called Euro-Rail – inspired by Interrail tickets – to show us the impact that Cohesion Policy has had in their country.

The project includes new TV and Radio programs, podcasts, specific digital promotion formats and live streaming on social networks, a short film and the organization of several events on a national scale, such as a Digital Festival and Cohesion Policy Workshops.

EU FACTOR NEXT is funded by the European Commission – Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (Call for proposal – IMREG-2022-INFOME: Support for information measures related to EU cohesion policy)

Project leader: Innovacoop

Partners: Legacoop Emilia-Romagna, TRMedia, Area Ag, Radiocoop, Cooperdiem, Raduni

Duration: 12 months

Who we are

Innovacoop – Coordinator: Service company of the cooperative system of Legacoop Emilia-Romagna to support innovation, development and digital transformation.

Legacoop Emilia-Romagna – Affiliated entity: Association of representation, coordination and consultancy on the regional territory of the cooperatives belonging to Legacoop Nazionale.

TRMedia srl – Partner: Publishing company and reference entity of the local media network in the Emilia-Romagna Region.

Area ag scrl – Partner: radio information agency that offers services throughout the country.

Radiocoop Edizioni srl – Partner: radio publisher that creates images, sounds, music in Coop stores, the largest consumer cooperative in Italy.

Cooperdiem – Partner: cooperative of communication services, territorial marketing projects, organization of festivals and cultural activities.

RadUni Association – Partner: Association of Radio Operators and University Media.

Cohesion Policy Objectives

Every 7 years, the European Union defines the objectives of the Cohesion Policy that will underpin thousands of projects across Europe, carried out through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund. For the new 2021-2027 programming period, the European Commission has proposed a series of important changes that can be summarised in 5 strategic macro-objectives:

  1. Smarter Europe: A more competitive and intelligent Europe, thanks to the intervention and additional resources of the Cohesion Policy to promote innovation, digitalization, economic transformation, and support for small businesses in the territories.
  2. Greener Europe: A greener and carbon-free Europe, thanks to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and investments in the energy transition, renewable energy and the fight against climate change, in the protection of natural resources and in favour of the circular economy and at the same time promoting quality jobs.
  3. Connected Europe: A more connected Europe, equipped with strategic transport networks, strengthening infrastructure in an inclusive and eco-sustainable way, with interventions that generate large and lasting territorial impacts and that must be in line with the National Sustainable Development Strategy to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda;
  4. Social Europe: A more social Europe, delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights, and supporting quality employment, education, skills, social inclusion, and fair access to health.
  5. A Europe closer to citizens: A Europe closer to citizens, supporting development projects proposed by the local level and sustainable and integrated urban development throughout the EU, leveraging Local Territorial Strategies, through which it will also be possible to restore a role to marginalized places.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.