Forlì hosts the European Youth Event, the great event promoted by the European Parliament and dedicated to young people. Also present EU Factor Next!

The date of the European Youth Event (EYE), the big event promoted by the European Parliament and dedicated to young people aged between 16 and 30, is approaching. They are called upon to discuss Europe and make their own contribution in terms of vision and planning.

The biennial event, organised in Strasbourg since 2014, is coming to Italy for the first time this year: from 17 to 19 May, Forlì is expecting 4,000 young people from all over Europe and beyond, with a very rich programme of 200 free activities, workshops, laboratories, including artistic ones, debates, guided tours and sports tournaments proposed by 200 youth organisations that answered the call.

In the run-up to the European elections, the European Parliament is funding four national EYE editions this year, in two capitals, Berlin (Germany) and Vilnius (Lithuania), in Brežice (Slovenia), as well as in Forlì.

The Italian event is promoted by the University of Bologna, in cooperation with European institutions and EYE Forlì partners.

EU Factor Next will be present with a dedicated stand to inform participants about the project activities but, especially, to hear from the voices of young Europeans what hopes and priorities the Europe of the future should embody.

The stand will be animated by three European journalists from Spain, Croatia and the Netherlands, who will interview EYE participants at the Video Corner of EU Factor Next. Other interviews will be conducted at the Campus and broadcast to the public via TV, radio and live social media.

Eu Factor Next – for a cohesive, sustainable and fair Europe, is the project led by Legacoop Emilia-Romagna and its service company Innovacoop through the co-financing of the European Commission, which aims at communicating and disseminating the Cohesion Policy and the impact that European investments have on the lives of citizens, young people and enterprises not only in Italy, but in several Member States.