Take part of the photo contest #LaTuaEuropa with your class!
The winning class will have the opportunity to visit the multimedia center “Europe Experience – David Sassoli” of Rome to discover how the European Union works and put yourself in the shoes of Members of the European Parliament through an engaging interactive role-playing game organized by the staff of Europe Experience.
#LaTuaEuropa is the photo contest of the EU FACTOR project.
The Contest will be active from 1 April to 15 May 2023.
Secondary school classes wishing to participate in the competition can do so by sending a photo that answers the questions “What is Europe? What does it represent for its citizens? Where do you meet it in your daily life?” to the e-mail address eufactor.project@gmail.com indicating the class, the name of the school, name, surname and e-mail address of a school contact (teacher) together with a short text (maximum 1500 characters) explaining why that is LaTuaEuropa!
You can portray a landscape, a significant place, a monument, a symbol, an object or people. The strategic objectives of the European cohesion policy can be considered as a starting point. How has Europe improved life around me in terms of sustainability, inclusion, digitalization, mobility, rights, work?
The photos below the requirements will be published by the organizers on the Instagram page of EU Factor @eufactorproject and published on the website www.eufactor.it
A commission of experts of the EU FACTOR project will select, at its sole discretion, the winning photograph based on criteria of originality and quality.
The winner of the competition will have the opportunity to visit the new exhibition space dedicated to the EU “Experience Europe – David Sassoli” in Rome promoted by the Parliament and the European Commission and named after the former President of the Parliament. The Europe Experience Centre – also present in other European cities – promotes knowledge of the EU, its actors, its policies and its campaigns, but also the values of democracy, inclusion, accessibility and multilingualism.
Discover the rules and participate!