The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is working on a project to tackle the problem of the shrinking youth population in European regions.
Free movement, one of the fundamental rights of EU citizens, has facilitated labour and educational mobility within the Union for years. However, in some regions this freedom has led to a significant rate of outward migration of citizens, young and old, each with different reasons for leaving.
This has resulted in some regions becoming trapped in development stagnation.
This trend is particularly visible among young adults (15-29 years old) and for this reason, the European Commission is considering which solutions could be adopted by regions at risk of stagnation.
In this context, DG-REGIO has developed a questionnaire to ask for the opinion of the continent’s 15-29 year old population on certain factors that could make regions more attractive to young people. This exercise will ensure that the final policy recommendations of this project are formulated by the people and local organisations that are at the heart of this issue.
The questionnaire takes about 5 minutes to complete and is available in all 24 official EU languages.
Click here to fill in the questionnaire: