EU FACTOR NEXT will be presented in Brussels during the 21st edition of the “European Week of Regions and Cities”.
One year after the birth of EU Factor, the activity of communicating and spreading the Cohesion Policies of the European Union will continue in 2024 through EU FACTOR NEXT.
The project, led by Innovacoop and Legacoop Emilia-Romagna, was again financed by DG REGIO, the Commission responsible for Community policy on regions and cities, and it is enriched with new partners and new and original communication ideas.
Also this year we will work alongside the radio agency AREA, the Emilia-Romagna TV network TRMEDIA, the cooperative of business services COOPERDIEM, and two new partners, RADIOCOOP and RADUNI, with which we have created new communication content to support an increasingly timely and engaging information activity, especially for young people and businesses.
In fact, Eu Factor Next, will give the project a more European dimension, involving 7 young journalists, finalists of the Megalizzi-Niedzielski prize, from different regions of Europe, such as France, Spain, Croatia and Malta, who will guide us on a tour through the continent called Euro-Rail – inspired by Interrail tickets – to show us the impact that Cohesion Policy has had in their countries.
The young journalists will be the protagonists of specific TV and radio programs, podcasts, short films and will present the different phases of the journey of Eu Factor Next through Europe.
Further new elements concern the organization of original initiatives at national and international level. Eu Factor Next will organize both a real Digital Festival of Cohesion, 2 days of at least 10 live streaming events on, and several Laboratories focused on Cohesion Policy organized by RadUni within the Festival of University Radios, annual appointment to be held in May 2024 in Rome.
In these events, participants will be able to dialogue with the various protagonists met during the project to deepen the objectives, strategies and future of the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and Europe, but also to know the communication tools of the project and work at the forefront to their development and improvement.
Eu Factor Next will renew itself graphically and will aim to improve more and more the involvement of young people as the real protagonists of change and the construction of a more cohesive, more digital and more ethical Europe.
All information on EU FACTOR NEXT will be available soon at