Podcast: ‘Pompeii Project: Phase Two’.

The Pompeii Project is a multidisciplinary initiative to study, preserve and enhance the archaeological site of Pompeii. The second phase of the project focuses mainly on restoration work, archaeological research and sustainable management of the site.

The Pompeii project was a revolution in the field of restoration. The 105 million euro funding has mainly contributed to the securing of the entire site, the restoration of some domus and the rebuilding of the entire structure. The city of Pompeii, despite the restoration work, has never closed during visits. This meant that the works could be a part of the visitors’ experience, ensuring a complete and transparent visit.

The park is visited by so many people every year, with a record number of visitors last year, and as far as security is concerned, the video surveillance system has also been upgraded, which is now equipped with great technology allowing for greater control.

The future presents challenges, especially in terms of maintenance, using new technologies to monitor the climate, the main enemy of Pompeii. The goal is to maintain the level of quality that has been achieved thanks to this funding, to ensure that Italy and the world have one of the most important archaeological sites.

Find out more about this important and innovative project by listening to the podcast ‘EU with YOU’: https://podcast.areanews24.it/podcast/areanews-eufactor.htm

‘EU with YOU’ is the Eu Factor Next podcast realised by Raduni, the Association of Italian University Radio Operators, to tell citizens at first hand how European funding is spent. In each episode the podcast will tell the story of a project funded by the European Union and its Cohesion Policy on the national territory.