DARE: the project that transformed the Darsena of Ravenna

“Dare” in English means to take risks: specifically, the challenge was to renew the Darsena District of Ravenna, through an open and participatory digital transformation process, making it more attractive, greener, and safer.

DARE is a project funded by the European Community, focused on a process of Urban Regeneration that leverages the alliance between the public, private, non-profit sectors, and citizens. The Darsena of Ravenna, with its history, has become an open-air laboratory of regeneration and digital transition. The aim of the project, in fact, was the dissemination of a widespread digital culture to sensitize citizens of the changes in cities and push them to interact.

In 2019 the DARE project – “Digital Environment for Collaborative Alliances to Regenerate Urban Ecosystem in middle-sized cities” – was funded under the IV call of the UIA – Urban Innovative Actions program. Since then, many activities have been undertaken from the organization of webinars to digitalization courses aimed at citizens, from public calls to photo contests, up to on-site initiatives. The journey ended in recent days with a series of meetings and debates.
